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Indian Book Lovers is a venture by a group of readers (of course, human ones) who love reading and keep on reading – the good and the bad – the ugly and the fall – the romance and the serious – in short, all! We read the books not only to entertain ourselves or enlighten our minds and souls, we rather read to share our experiences with fellow readers and let them know beforehand what they are going to mess with!

We strive to establish ourselves as the critical institution which provides critical book reviews and opinions on the books and literature of the day as well as yesterday and tomorrow… Indian Book Lovers does not want to be in the league – we want to become a league on our own and we will keep reading and writing to approach that certainty and that’s coming, we can see.

We write book reviews; we write opinions of literature and literary trends; we write about the authors; we write about their books; we also publish interviews at times; we also let our readers know what’s going in the backend (at times). Indian Book Lovers will have stuff for you everytime you visit our website and we hope to see that frequency increasing day by day. Our writings are not simplistic – those pieces that we put are well-researched, studied, thought and presented systematically and well-written. So, you can rely on our writings conveniently.

We don’t write promotional stuff! We do charge for our reviews and we call it a ‘reading fee’ because there is no reason we will be reading a book by some author – we do need that fee to continue the pursuit of our passion. Therefore, don’t expect that some money might buy the authors a fancy book review with all the goods here – authors will have to meet what they have done good and what bad has been done in their books, too.

Have a pleasant day!

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