Indian Book Lovers brings you the list of 5 hot new releases in Indian book market that you must read and enjoy. We have been very careful about the genre and readers’ preference while selecting these books. You will find the list a balance sheet where we have tried to give something to everyone. Hope you enjoy reading the books below!

Exam Warrior by Narendra Modi: You must be a person who is interested in reading books, aren’t you? That’s ever natural – you are looking for opinions on what books should you be reading. Exam Warriors is a book by current Indian PM Narendra Modi and it focuses on the students who are afraid of facing exams in general. More than that, it communicates to such students and helps them understand that there is no need to fear exams. We need to be cheerful as ever and enjoy the exams as our opportunities for successful future. There are many things in the book which will help you whether you are a class 10 student of a competitive reader facing career exams.

Buy Exam Warriors from Amazon India now

American Maharajah: The novel by Marc Stephen Levy takes you to the mesmerism of modern and ancient confrontation. Ravi Shankar, an Indo-American young man who finds himself not very happy with life, takes a journey to India in hope of finding his ancestral roots. He reaches Rajasthan in course of the search but he finds himself lost in the great desert somehow. His reunion with his ‘father’ – the maharajah, will surely leave you in awe and excitement throughout the novel. This is the second book by Mark and it is being read by many readers and enjoyed by them, without a doubt!

Buy American Maharajah now

A Century is not Enough: My Roller-coaster Ride to Success: This autobiography by Indian cricket legend, known as Dada, Sourav Ganguly will leave you in nostalgia once again. We have all enjoyed the ‘young’ of Sachin already and it’s high time that we read our Dada’s story. You will enjoy this book if you are also that 90’s kid who has grown up seeing the legends like Ganguly on the cricket field.

Buy A Century is not Enough from Amazon now

Emotion and Relationships: This self-help book by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev will surely help you understand the life with a wider view and also help you in focusing on maintaining a life which is healthy for you as well as others around you. You need to take a read and the book isn’t that much costly as well. It will just cost you 169 Rs.

Buy Emotions and Relationships from Amazon now

The Diary of a Domestic Diva: Shilpa Shetty Kundra brings you the latest from her store and all the housewives and women out there must read this book. Shilpa tells her readers how to manage the busy day in a household and still find some time to manage oneself. You can get this book from Amazon by following the link below:

Buy Diary of a Domestic Diva from Amazon now

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