Now that we are officially here, we need to start the things up. We need to spark the flame; we need to set the tune on the running and we need to get the things going. For the starters, who we are? We are a bunch of lunatics who love reading as nothing else! We read and we keep on reading; we go on reading – we feed on the libraries and we suck the juice out of books that we own or the ones we borrow or many ones that we even steal (fun)!

Indian Book Lovers is all about the enthusiasm for reading, reading more and more and reading a lot! We read books not only for our pleasure but also for the benefit of others. We rate the books we read and we also review those for the public. Our book reviews are honest and original. We neither steal the idea of a review from another website or person nor do we promote a book for money. Yes, we do charge a small reading fee from the authors who want to get their books reviewed by us but we never show any inclination towards a book just because we are charging a reading fee.

What will you get at Indian Book Lovers?

You will be getting regular updates on our book reviews, feature articles about books, authors, literature and other reading stuff. We will also publish the interviews that we do with authors and poets. Moreover, you will also be getting insights about the practice of reading and reviewing time to time. We never stop reading and so is our writing – we never take a break nor do we believe in holidays. You might be getting a review to read on Diwali or Holi as well!

Why do we do so?

We love the art of reading; we love to tell the world what do we read! This is the logic behind our venture, simply put in words.

Who we are?

What’s in the name? Let the rose be a rose and let the readers be the readers. Just think us as the anonymous of the reading fraternity and we will be serving the literary faculty of you, you and you and yes, you too!

Welcome to the world of Indian Book Lovers, guys! Keep checking our website for regular updates on the book reviews and other content related to books, authors and literature. We will be around! Happy Reading!

Indian Book Lovers!

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