Business books are wonderful to read once you are affected with a passion… inspired by ideas randomly and set a goal for yourself that requires dedication mixed with madness and the mentality to take risks. I am poised, as well. I have read many business books already. Recently read The New Strategic Selling, The Eng@ged Customer, Guide to Organisational Design, and a wonderful book by Harjeet Khanduja – How Leaders Decide: Tackling biases and risks in decision-making. All these books were informative, well-written and interesting. However, the one that I liked the most and the one that I am writing about here is the one by Harjeet. It was simple, very interesting, adding intellectual and informative ideas to one’s thoughts and making things simple to understand for anyone who reads the book.

Harjeet’s book brings with it a complete overview of organisational decision-making, how it’s different from individual decisions we make, how risks and biases get involved, how can we cure the same, and what we can achieve through individual-driven decisions and team-driven decisions. The book also analyses and puts forth the pros and cons of many kinds of organisational decision-making practices. It has 25 chapters divided into 5 different parts. The divisions are logical, well-organised and ordered in a way that brings the best to the readers. Also, the chapters are very informative, bring nice and relevant examples supporting the arguments, cite references for further research and reinforce the ideas suggested. That is good.

Harjeet Khanduja’s strength as an author lies in his great experience, expertise, years of work that he has given to the industry and still continuing, and his passion to write meaningful. Though it is not necessary to mention because the book does the talking itself, Harjeet is the vice president of HR at Reliance Jio, the leading telecom company in India. He is also a TEDx speaker and has delivered lectures at IIMs and many other leading institutions in India… motivating and guiding young students and supporting their passion with his vision and ideas. If anyone could have pulled off this book the way it has been prepared, Harjeet is the most suitable candidate and the book bears the marks of his expertise and experience, all the way.

How Leaders Decide opens up the world of organisational decision-making to anyone who reads the book. The most inspiring and quickly communicating thing about the book is wonderful examples. You will quickly understand the idea being discussed. There are quotes and data as well. Unlike many other books where the author merely puts forth whatever he or she wants to share with the readers, How Leaders Decide by Harjeet Khanduja brings forth the best communication in the best order, decorated with historical data, general and specific perceptions, relevant and comprehensive examples, and in a very interesting way that makes the process of learning a mundane academic topic fun and light! I did not read anything like this before and I am quite inspired to read Harjeet’s other book, Nothing about Business! I believe that will be fun too (while learning a lot about business).

You can grab a copy of this book from Amazon India and start reading it right away. Click the link below to get a copy now:

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Review by Sandesh for Indian Book Lovers

How Leaders Decide: Tackling biases and risks in decision-making by Harjeet Khanduja – Book Review
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How Leaders Decide: Tackling biases and risks in decision-making by Harjeet Khanduja is a complete book on organisational decision-making… and it delivers what it promises. DO read it if you are interested in the subject.

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