Book – Indicting Goliath
Author – Lal Bhatia
Publisher – Notion Press
Year – 2018
Pages – 278
Genre – nonfiction (autobiography)
Rating – 4.3/5 stars!

“On September 30, 2016, for the 8.30 a.m. court hearing, I was awoken around 2.00 a.m. Before being packed into a vehicle, I was placed in full restraints – hard metal leg irons, belly chains and handcuffs – for a two hours’ drive to the Oakdale Immigration Court, Oakdale, Louisiana.”

And there are many horrific details that you will find in this book. Only one question needs to be asked – is this how the USA treats its criminals who are yet to be proven to be criminals? Is there no human right for the people in the USA? Or just because Lal Bhatia was not a native American, he was subjected to such animal-like behaviour? What was the truth?

Indicting Goliath is about the struggle of a man who was punished for nothing. It is about a person who waged a war against the entire United States because he was tortured and subjected to rigorous emotional and physical torment without any valid legal cause. One question that the book asks of the United States of American is – why did you do this with a person who was once considered an asset for the country?

Lal Bhatia gives the readers a background about the formation of BCCI which later became rogue and was banned. He also names a few persons among which, the famous one is – Wig. Wig was the person who trapped Lal Bhatia into this dirty game of money laundering and made him the scapegoat of all the criminal offences. Mr Bhatia also exposes his ‘wretched family members’ who played a part in getting him ‘the maximum penalty’. Can this happen? Well, this happens and we have ample examples here and there of such events.

Indicting Goliath exposes a billion-dollar money laundering conspiracy which involved some of the Justice Department officials and also a few FBI corrupt officers. Some got promotion and some secured even better jobs with the help of crooked Wig (as the book tells us). In short, this book exposes the lot of corrupt and criminals which falsely accused Mr Bhatia, the author, of doing the wrongs that he did not do. They tried and they succeeded in accusing Lal Bhatia and hiding their own crimes that he wanted to expose. Now that the author is out in the open, he has the right to ask the damn questions of the US Government and its citizens – cannot you secure justice to a helpless person?

Critically, the narrative by Lal Bhatia is in first-person. He has mentioned all the documents on the basis of which he has written the details and so, the authenticity of the autobiographical narrative is established. The book might be slow at times but most of the instances offer us a very exciting and horrific experience (the events are indeed horrific).

You will definitely relate to the situation in the book if you have witnessed the same kind of game around you. Indicting Goliath is an attempt to attack the giant and see whether it moves or not. You can get the copy of this book by clicking the Amazon India link below:

Get the book by Lal – Click here – Amazon India store

review by Suparna for Indian Book Lovers

Indicting Goliath
  • Indian Book Lovers rating


We found the book –

Easy reading
Full of substance that put the USA in the question mark
Fully backing up the author’s facts

Our advice: do read this book! You will surely like it.

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