Is this the first time that I am reviewing some academic book? No! I have been doing so for a while. However, Legouis and Cazamian’s joint venture, A History of English Literature, does deserve a considerable attempt and a far serious approach by a reviewer and I don’t think myself that callous to just go on and bull dodge my views on the readers of this book. At the outset, I am telling that I will be careful enough! Moreover, I will keep the review short enough so that you, as a reader or as an aspirant of the book, can make a quick decision on it.

The quality title, then published by Macmillan, is divided into eight books and the last part is dedicated to the twentieth century and the first one begins the journey of English literature. The information being offered in the book from the very beginning is certainly very well maintained – quality, facts, examples and also explanation – the package is designed very well.

The best thing about Legouis and Cazamian’s History of English Literature is that it offers you the commentary or the pre and post thoughts in a very dignified language! You can not only understand the spirit of the age but also find yourself instantly enabled of passing your own comments once you finish the chapters.

The latest editions also come with the enhanced and enlarged and further annotated footers. The 20th-century literature has been elaborated for the modern students because the original version of the book used to stop rather earlier, very much in the early years of the 1970s.

Nevertheless, the readers or the students who just want information being passed to them without any indulgence of the authors, they will find the book a little broader than their imagination of even thoughts. Both the authors actually indulge themselves with their active style of writing – they just don’t write what was – they opine on why something was the way it was! I will surely say that this history of English literature is something that every serious student of graduation and postgraduation should have! You can grab your copy of the latest edition of Legouis and Cazamian’s History of English Literature from the Amazon link which will be added at the end of this article.

Review by Ravi, MA, English Literature

buy the book from below:

Legouis and Cazamian’s History of English Literature – Amazon

History of English Literature - review
  • Overall


A must-have book for every literature student!

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